Open letter from our CEO, Liban Mire


Dear Readers,

I am writing to share the profound vision, unwavering morals, and significant achievements of Liban Miré Bank in the realm of philanthropy. Our commitment to social responsibility transcends financial services, embodying a deep-rooted dedication to making a positive impact on the world.


Our Philanthropic Vision

At Liban Miré Bank, we believe that true success is measured not only by financial growth but also by the difference we make in society. Our philanthropic vision is built on the principles of empathy, sustainability, and inclusivity. We aim to be a catalyst for positive change, addressing critical issues such as education, healthcare, environmental sustainability, and economic empowerment.


Core Morals Guiding Our Philanthropy

Empathy and Compassion: We approach our philanthropic endeavors with genuine care and concern for those in need. Understanding the unique challenges faced by various communities allows us to tailor our efforts effectively.

Sustainability: Our projects are designed to create long-term, sustainable benefits. We focus on initiatives that provide enduring solutions rather than temporary relief, ensuring that the communities we support can thrive independently in the future.

Inclusivity: We believe in the power of diversity and inclusivity. Our philanthropic activities are aimed at uplifting marginalized and underserved populations, ensuring equitable opportunities for all.

Integrity: Transparency and accountability are at the heart of our philanthropic efforts. We maintain the highest ethical standards, ensuring that every resource is utilized effectively and responsibly.


Achievements Across the Globe

Over the years, Liban Miré Bank has launched and supported numerous philanthropic initiatives that have touched lives across the world. Here are a few highlights of our achievements thus far:

Education: We have funded scholarships and built educational institutions in underprivileged regions, providing quality education to thousands of children. Our digital literacy programs have equipped young minds with the skills needed to succeed in the modern world.

Healthcare: Our investments in healthcare infrastructure have improved access to medical services in remote areas. We have supported vaccination drives, maternal health programs, and initiatives to combat infectious diseases, significantly reducing mortality rates.

Environmental Sustainability: In our commitment to preserving the planet, we have launched reforestation projects, supported clean energy initiatives, and promoted sustainable agricultural practices. Our efforts have not only combated climate change but also enhanced the livelihoods of local communities.

Economic Empowerment: Through microfinance programs and entrepreneurship training, we have empowered individuals to start their own businesses and achieve financial independence. Our support has enabled countless families to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future.


Looking Ahead

As we move forward, Liban Miré Bank remains steadfast in its commitment to philanthropy. We will continue to innovate and collaborate with partners who share our vision, ensuring that our initiatives reach those who need them most. Together, we can create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our employees, partners, and stakeholders for their unwavering support and dedication. It is through our collective efforts that we can make a lasting difference.

Thank you for being a part of this journey towards a better tomorrow.



Liban Mire
CEO, Liban Miré Bank


As part of our unwavering commitment to philanthropy, Liban Miré Bank has strategically identified key areas where our efforts can make the most significant impact. These focus areas—education, healthcare, environmental sustainability, economic empowerment, social equity, and disaster relief—represent the core pillars of our philanthropic strategy. By concentrating our resources and expertise on these critical sectors, we aim to address the most pressing challenges facing communities worldwide and enhance the quality of life for those in need.

Commitment to Education


  • Scholarships and Grants: Providing financial support for students from underprivileged backgrounds to pursue higher education.
  • School Infrastructure: Building and renovating schools in underserved areas to create conducive learning environments.
  • Educational Programs: Launching literacy and digital skills programs to equip students with essential knowledge and tools for the future.

Economic Empowerment

  • Microfinance Programs: Offering small loans and financial services to entrepreneurs in developing regions to stimulate local economies.
  • Skills Training: Providing vocational training and development programs to enhance employability and career opportunities.
  • Support for Small Businesses: Mentoring and financial support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to help them grow and succeed.

Healthcare Initiatives


  • Medical Access: Funding clinics and hospitals in remote regions to ensure access to essential healthcare services.
  • Health Campaigns: Supporting vaccination drives, maternal health programs, and efforts to combat diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, and cancers.
  • Mental Health Support: Creating awareness and providing resources for mental health support and counseling services.


Social Equity and Inclusion

  • Community Development: Investing in community projects that improve infrastructure, such as clean water and sanitation facilities.
  • Advocacy and Awareness: Supporting initiatives that promote social justice, equality, and the rights of marginalized groups.
  • Employee Volunteerism: Encouraging and facilitating employee participation in volunteer activities and community service.


    Environmental Sustainability

    • Reforestation Projects: Planting trees and restoring natural habitats to combat deforestation and promote biodiversity.
    • Clean Energy Initiatives: Investing in renewable energy projects, such as solar and wind, to reduce carbon footprints.
    • Waste Reduction: Implementing recycling programs and promoting sustainable practices within communities and industries.


    Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Aid

    • Emergency Response: Providing immediate aid and resources during natural disasters and humanitarian crises.
    • Long-term Recovery: Supporting rebuilding efforts and rehabilitation programs to help communities recover and rebuild sustainably.
    • Partnerships with NGOs: Collaborating with non-governmental organizations and international agencies to amplify impact and reach.



    Liban Miré Bank distinguishes itself through impactful and sustainable philanthropic initiatives that reflect our commitment to our social responsibility. Our projects are designed to create long-term, positive change, and our dedication to these efforts is demonstrated by compelling impact metrics. Thus far, our initiatives have consistently delivered significant benefits, underlining our dedication to making a difference. Here are a few of our key impact indicators:

    Schools Built/Renovated

    Students Enrolled

    Medical Facilities Established

    Maternal Health Programs

    Clean Energy Projects

    Agriculture Programs

    Small Businesses Supported

    Loans Provided ($M)

    Disaster Relief Aid ($M)